18-12-2023 - Tips & Guides

Istanbul Do's and Don'ts: 10 Unspoken Guidelines Every Istanbulite Knows

Istanbul, a city where the past and present coalesce in a harmonious dance, beckons travelers with its vibrant markets, historic landmarks, and warm hospitality. As you embark on your journey through this enchanting metropolis, it's essential to understand the unspoken guidelines that weave through the fabric of Istanbulite culture. Join us on a cultural exploration as we uncover the do's and don'ts that every Istanbulite knows, providing you with insights that will enhance your experience and immerse you in the heart of this fascinating city. From savoring the nuances of Turkish dining to navigating bustling markets with grace, let's unravel the essence of Istanbul together. But first, here is the perfect tool for your journey: Istanbul Tourist Pass®.

The Istanbul Tourist Pass® stands as an indispensable companion for those seeking to unlock the full potential of their Istanbul experience. Crafted by a reputable tourist agency with over 30 years of experience, this digital card offers unparalleled access to over 100 attractions and services across the city. From guided tours to skip-the-ticket-line entrances, discounted hop-on-hop-off bus tours, and captivating cruises, the Istanbul Tourist Pass® is a gateway to a seamless and enriching exploration of Istanbul's cultural tapestry. More than just a convenience, it assures travelers of the reliability and safety of their experiences, guarding against counterfeit guides and tickets. By acquiring the Istanbul Tourist Pass®, visitors can traverse the city effortlessly, ensuring that every moment is filled with discovery and delight, all while enjoying the assurance of trusted resources and exclusive privileges.

Choose Your Pass

Choose from one of Istanbul Tourist Pass® options below providing Free access to 100+ Top Attractions, Tours and essential Local Services with over 80% savings.

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€330 €230


€265 €185
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€360 €250


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1 Day Pass


€200 €140


€155 €110
2 Day Pass


€235 €165


€185 €130
3 Day Pass


€280 €195


€220 €155
4 Day Pass


€310 €215


€245 €170
2 Days Pass




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Don’t Rush in Restaurants: Savor the Delicacies

In Istanbul, dining is more than just nourishment; it's a social event. Embrace the unhurried pace at restaurants, allowing yourself to savor the flavors and enjoy the company. Rushing through meals goes against the Istanbulite tradition of savoring every bite. Especially if you choose to try rakı, the famous Turkish liquor, do not rush eating mezes but savor the moment.

Don’t Forget to Tip: Reward the Great Service

Although tipping is not mandatory, it is a common practice in Istanbul, a gesture of gratitude for good service. While it may not be mandatory, leaving a tip is a sign of appreciation. It's a small but meaningful way to acknowledge the effort and hospitality of the service providers. Read our blog post about tipping in Istanbul to learn more insider tips. 

Don’t Engage in Aggressive Haggle: It is for Fun

Haggling is an art form in Istanbul's markets, but it's crucial to keep it amicable. Avoid aggressive negotiation tactics, as it goes against the spirit of the lively bazaars. Approach haggling as a friendly exchange, and you might find yourself striking a fair deal. The best place to experience haggling is the Grand Bazaar and the best way to start your journey in that crazy bazaar is a guided tour!

Respect Personal Space: Be Careful in Crowds

Istanbul can get crowded, but respecting personal space is a priority. Avoid getting too close to strangers, especially in crowded places like public transportation or markets. Istanbulites value their personal space, and observing this unspoken rule fosters a harmonious environment. You can also demand your personal space if you feel overwhelmed.

Be Mindful of Ramadan: Enjoy the Spiritual Atmosphere

During the holy month of Ramadan, it's essential to be considerate of those who are fasting. Refrain from eating or drinking openly in public places during daylight hours. This simple act of mindfulness reflects your respect for the religious practices of the local community. But don’t worry especially in Istanbul, nearly all restaurants and cafes are open. It is important to note that Turkey is not an Islamic state but a secular democracy so not only tourists but also many local people do not fast in Ramadan.

Use Cash in Local Shops: Cash is King Everywhere

While cards are widely accepted, smaller local shops may prefer cash transactions. Be prepared by carrying some cash, especially when exploring the charming narrow streets where local businesses often operate. This ensures smooth transactions and supports local merchants.

Explore Istanbul with Istanbul Tourist Pass®

Discover the city effortlessly with the Istanbul Tourist Pass®. Avoid the pitfalls of counterfeit guides and tickets by utilizing this secure and convenient digital pass. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your exploration of Istanbul's wonders is guided by reliable resources. Click here to see 100+ amazing attractions and services including the first pass of Istanbul.

Purchase an Istanbulkart for Easy Travel

Simplify your travel around the city with Istanbulkart’s special creation for tourists: the Istanbul City Card. This unlimited public transportation card not only provides convenience but also offers a cost-effective way to navigate Istanbul's extensive transportation network. A must-have for seamless urban exploration. Here are all the details about this card, order yours now and get delivered to your hotel.

Discover the Princes’ Islands: Green Islands of the City

When the hustle of the city becomes overwhelming, escape to the Princes’ Islands. These serene retreats offer a tranquil getaway from the bustling urban life of Istanbul. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, explore the islands, and recharge amidst nature's beauty. Here is a great Princes’ Islands tour specially curated for Pass visitors with a complimentary lunch.

Don't Attempt to Navigate the City During Rush Hours

Navigating Istanbul during rush hours can be a daunting task due to heavy traffic. Unless absolutely necessary, plan your travels to avoid peak hours. This simple adjustment ensures a more relaxed and enjoyable exploration of the city.

Do Eat a Full Turkish Breakfast: Famous for Its Richness

Start your day the Istanbulite way by indulging in a full Turkish breakfast, perhaps at the iconic Le Vapeur Magique—complimentary with your Istanbul Tourist Pass®! Delight in a spread of olives, cheese, tomatoes, eggs, and more. It's a culinary experience that sets the tone for a day of exploration in this captivating city. 

Insider Tips for Tourists Exploring Istanbul

1. Embrace the Art of Tea

Turkish tea is more than just a beverage; it's a cultural ritual. Take the time to indulge in a cup of traditional Turkish tea at local cafes. It's a delightful way to soak in the ambiance and connect with the city's rhythm.

2. Learn a Few Local Phrases

While many locals in Istanbul speak English, making an effort to learn a few basic Turkish phrases can go a long way. Simple greetings like "Merhaba" (hello) and "Teşekkür ederim" (thank you) will be appreciated by the locals.

3. Dress Modestly for Religious Sites

When visiting mosques and other religious sites, dress modestly to show respect. This includes covering your shoulders and knees. Carrying a scarf can be handy for women to cover their heads if required.

4. Utilize the Istanbul Tourist Pass®

Opt for the Istanbul Tourist Pass® to streamline your exploration. Gain access to a plethora of attractions, skip-the-line privileges, and guided tours, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience throughout your stay.

5. Tap into Local Transportation

Embrace the efficiency of Istanbul's public transportation. Consider getting an Istanbulkart for easy access to buses, trams, and ferries. Navigating the city like a local not only saves time but also offers a unique perspective.

6. Discover Hidden Culinary Gems

Venture beyond tourist hotspots to discover authentic eateries favored by locals. Ask for recommendations from locals or use platforms like istanbul.com to find hidden culinary gems serving mouthwatering Turkish delicacies. Here is a diverse selection of choices for you from our blog posts: Food & Drink in Istanbul

7. Attend Cultural Events

Check local event calendars for festivals, exhibitions, and performances. Istanbul is a cultural hub, and attending events provides a deeper understanding of the city's artistic and historical richness. Check our monthly blogs here to be updated for your trip. 

8. Respect Local Customs During Ramadan

If your visit coincides with Ramadan, respect local customs by refraining from eating or drinking openly in public during daylight hours. Participate in the evening celebrations and savor the festive atmosphere.

9. Navigating the Grand Bazaar

While exploring the Grand Bazaar, maintain a friendly demeanor during haggling. Engage in the art of negotiation with a smile, and you might secure a unique souvenir at a reasonable price.

10. Explore Beyond the City Limits

Take a day trip to the Princes’ Islands for a serene escape. Ferries are available from Istanbul, offering a tranquil retreat with picturesque landscapes and a break from the urban hustle.

Armed with these tips, your journey through Istanbul will not only be memorable but also culturally enriching. Embrace the blend of tradition and modernity, and let the city unfold its treasures as you navigate its streets with a traveler's heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Istanbul do's and don'ts things to do?

Do: Explore the city with the Istanbul Tourist Pass®, savor local cuisine, and engage in friendly haggling. Don't: Rush at restaurants, forget to tip for good service, or haggle aggressively.

Can I check Istanbul do's and don'ts reddit?

For a comprehensive guide on Istanbul do's and don'ts, check the Istanbul subreddit. Locals and fellow travelers often share valuable insights and experiences.

What are Istanbul do's and don'ts itinerary?

Craft your Istanbul itinerary with a mix of cultural exploration and local experiences. Utilize the Istanbul Tourist Pass® for efficient access to attractions and plan visits to iconic sites, hidden gems, and culinary delights.

What are Istanbul do's and don'ts for couples?

For couples visiting Istanbul, do indulge in a romantic Turkish breakfast, explore the Princes’ Islands, and enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Bosphorus. Don't forget to embrace the relaxed pace at restaurants and respect personal space.

What are the Don'ts in Istanbul?

Avoid aggressive haggling, invading personal space, and neglecting local customs during Ramadan. Also, be mindful of rush hours when navigating the city.

Are there any Istanbul travel restrictions?

Stay informed about current Istanbul travel restrictions by checking official government websites and local authorities. Keep in mind that these restrictions may vary, so it's crucial to stay updated before planning your trip.

What to Be Careful of in Istanbul?

When in Istanbul, be cautious of pickpocketing in crowded areas, particularly in tourist hotspots and public transportation. Stay vigilant with your belongings, use anti-theft bags if possible, and avoid displaying valuable items openly.

What Should Female Tourists Wear in Istanbul?

Anything you want! Of course, beware of the looks but Istanbul is a metropolis and you can dress as you'd like all the time. Only be careful when you want to visit a religious site.

Is It Safe to Walk Alone at Night in Istanbul?

While certain areas are generally safe, it's advisable to exercise caution when walking alone at night. Stick to well-lit and populated areas, avoid poorly lit or secluded streets, and use reputable transportation options, especially if returning late.

What are Taboos in Turkey to not to talk about?

Avoid discussing sensitive political topics or making negative remarks about the country. It's also considered impolite to point the soles of your feet at people or religious objects, so be mindful of your sitting posture.

Do You Tip in Turkey?

Tipping is customary in Turkey, and it's appreciated for good service. In restaurants, leaving around 5-10% of the bill is common. Additionally, tipping hotel staff, tour guides, and taxi drivers is customary.

What is the Most Common Crime in Istanbul?

Pickpocketing is one of the most common crimes in Istanbul, especially in crowded areas and public transportation. Travelers should remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to safeguard their belongings.

Is It Safe to Drink the Water in Istanbul?

No, don't drink tap water even when it says it is safe.

Is Street Food Safe to Eat in Istanbul?

Street food is a popular and generally safe option in Istanbul. To minimize risks, choose vendors with high customer turnover, observe food preparation hygiene, and ensure that the food is cooked thoroughly before consumption.

Travel aroud Istanbul freely with Public Transportation Card
Buy Your Card Now Buy & Save 40% with Istanbul Tourist Pass® with FREE Digital Public Transportation Guide

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